Established in 1999, De Dell’s hybrids are elite high performing non-GMO corn hybrids selected for high yield, standability and health to provide you with the hybrids you need for your farm.
By choosing De Dell’s conventional corn you will maintain the health of your herd, the environment, your family, and have more profit on your farm.
We are proud to be one of the few GMO Free seed corn companies. We are a family run business with consistent, proven, leading edge Non‑GMO hybrids offered at a fair price.
Vince Trudell, President
Non-GMO Benefits

Right off the hop we can put money into your pocket! There are no technology fees with Non-GMO corn and that can easily save you $30 per acre. That adds up over a number of acres.

Soil Health
Improve your soil health by planting a Non-GMO crop. Glyphosate changes the microbiology of your soil by chelating to micronutrients and makes them unavailable to the plant for uptake.

Animal Health
There are more micronutrients available in conventional feed for your livestock. Glyphosate chelates to micronutrients and makes then unavailable to the plant for uptake, making them unavailable to the livestock.