Get Informed On GMOs For The Health Of Your Livestock And Grandchildren
Learn more about the negative impacts GMOs have on your health, and farm profitability, and how our Non-GMO corn seed is a step in the right direction.
We Provide Quality Conventional Seed Corn at a Fair Price So You and Your Farm Can Grow
Common Questions
Not familiar with the benefits of growing Non-GMO corn? Read on to gain some quick knowledge on how it can benefit your farm.
What are the benefits of growing Non-GMO corn?
There are many benefits to growing Non-GMO corn which include, but are not limited to, improved soil health, better crops, savings on input cost, and improved animal health. A Non-GMO crop insures that all the micronutrients are available for the plant to uptake which results in highly nutritious feed for the livestock. There are also hefty seed cost associated with GMO corn which can be avoided by choosing Non-GMO.
Will I still get high yields?
Absolutely! Yield is determined by the core genetics of the plant and not by the added genetically modified traits. We access the best genetics possible and perform multiple years of testing before a new hybrid is brought to market. While achieving the same yields, and reducing your input costs, you can improve the bottom line on your farm.
Where can I sell my Non-GMO Corn?
You can still sell your Non-GMO corn at any elevator which buys corn. However you can also search out places that are offering a premium for a Non-GMO crop! You can see a list of possible Non-GMO corn buyers here. Further improve your profits by selling your corn for a premium!
Learn more about the benefits of Non-GMO corn
Using Non-GMO corn means you are protecting your farm from the risks of GMOs while reaping the benefits of your Non-GMO crop. Learn more of the best kept secrets of Non-GMO corn and why you should make the switch here.